The learning objectives of the Clinical Mental Health and School Counseling programs are based on the curricular requirements of the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP).
The program objectives of the Counselor Education and Supervision Doctoral (CES Ed.D.) Program at Southern Connecticut State University includes elements related to overarching objectives and each of the five doctoral core areas:
Overarching objectives
- Understand and implement counselor education and supervision practices that are legal and ethical.
- Provide culturally responsive counselor education and supervision services in the context of decolonization and liberation, integrated with an ecological, social justice framework.
- Demonstrates an understanding of the counselor educator and supervisor’s role in the broader systemic context, including department and university, professional organizations and the community.
- Develops an identity as a professional counselor in various roles related to counselor education and supervision.
Counseling objectives
- Conceptualize client and student concerns from multiple theoretical perspectives with attention to issues of social justice, equity, and inclusion.
- Provide counseling services to clients and students in a diverse and ever-changing society.
Supervision objectives
- Evaluate the effectiveness of supervisees’ counseling in a developmentally congruent manner and apply multiple theories of supervision.
- Demonstrate knowledge and skills related to evaluation, gatekeeping, and remediation practices in counselor education and supervision.
Teaching objectives
- Understand and apply teaching pedagogy; instructional and curriculum design for on-ground, hybrid, and online course instruction.
- Use effective methods of evaluating teaching that respond to learning needs of individuals with diverse intersectional statuses.
Research and Scholarship objectives
- Demonstrate knowledge and skills of quantitative and qualitative research.
- Understand and apply skills related to professional presentation and publication.
Leadership and Advocacy objectives
- Understand and apply the role of agency/district manager/leader.
- Engage in critical discourse on current issues in the counseling profession.
- Enact leadership and advocacy within communities, within the counseling profession and on behalf of the counseling profession.
- Apply leadership theory within counseling practice and counselor education
At the end of the Clinical Mental Health Counseling (CMHC) and School Counseling (SC) program, the student:
- Evidences understanding of the multiple professional roles and functions of counselors across specialty areas and the role of the professional counselor advocating on behalf of the profession
- Demonstrates an understanding of ethical standards of professional counseling organizations and applications of ethical and legal considerations in professional counseling
- Explains theories and models of counseling, as well as a systems approach to conceptualizing clients and theories, models and strategies for understanding and practicing consultation
- Applies theories of individual and family development across the lifespan and the systemic and environmental factors that affect human development, functioning and behavior
- Evidences familiarity with and sensitivity to multicultural and characteristics within and among diverse groups, nationally and internationally as well as theories and models of multicultural counseling, cultural identity development, and social justice and advocacy
- Demonstrates an understanding of theoretical foundations of group counseling and group work, dynamics associated with group process and development as well as therapeutic factors and how they contribute to group effectiveness
- Exhibits an understanding of theories and models of career development, counseling and decision making as well as strategies for career development program planning, organization, implementation administration and evaluation
- Integrates the use of assessments for diagnostic and intervention planning purposes, as well as ethnical and culturally relevant strategies for selecting, administering, and interpreting assessment and test results
- Evidences importance of research in advancing the counseling profession, including how to critique research to inform counseling practice and understanding qualitative, quantitative and mixed research methods
- Demonstrates counselor characteristics and behaviors that influence the counseling process
- Develops a personal model of counseling
At the end of the CMHC program, the student:
Evidences understanding of diagnostic process, including differential diagnosis and the use of current diagnostic classification systems, including the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD)
At the end of the SC program, the student:
- Exhibits an understanding of the role of the School Counselor as a leader, advocate and systems change agent in P-12 schools
- Demonstrates an understanding of the School Counselor’s role in consultation with families, P-12 and postsecondary personnel and community agencies
- Exhibits an understanding of the School Counselor’s leadership role in relation to school leadership and multidisciplinary teams, and qualities and styles of effective leadership in schools
The objectives of the School Psychology Program are based upon the Domains of School Psychology Graduate Education and Practice as developed by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP).
Graduates of the Master of Science & Sixth Year Certification in School Psychology Program at Southern Connecticut State University will:
- Demonstrate a foundation in the knowledge bases for both psychology and education.
- Demonstrate knowledge and skills in data-based decision-making as a means to effective problem-solving, evaluation and accountability.
- Demonstrate skills in research and program evaluation to allow them to help bring the latest in educational and psychological research to schools and to help schools determine the effectiveness of services.
- Demonstrate knowledge and skills in school consultation and collaboration and the ability to communicate and work with others in a team-based approach to meeting the needs of children, youth, families and systems.
- Demonstrate knowledge in varied aspects of effective teaching and instructional methods, school curriculum, factors influencing learning and cognitive development, and the skills to develop appropriate academic interventions based on this knowledge.
- Demonstrate knowledge in varied aspects of mental health, social and emotional development and behavior, and the skills to develop appropriate social, emotional and behavioral interventions based on this knowledge.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the varied systems within and outside of schools in which students operate and the skills to work with and within these systems to create and maintain effective and supportive learning environments. This includes an understanding of the key role of families and family systems as well as knowledge and appreciation for all aspects of diversity in students, their families and fellow educators and mental health professionals, and skills to work to ensure safe and affirming schools for all.
- Demonstrate knowledge of primary prevention, risk and resiliency factors and the skills to develop and provide effective prevention, treatment and crisis intervention services.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the field and history of school psychology and the legal, ethical and professional standards of the profession and the skills to implement these standards through the use of effective technology, communication and interpersonal skills.