Upon completion of a bachelor's degree in the Earth Sciences, students should:
- Obtain a broad knowledge of Earth Science and its subdisciplines (Geology, Environmental Science, Meteorology, Oceanography, Astronomy)
- Understand and be able to demonstrate the scientific method
- Demonstrate scientific reasoning -- cause to effect, multiple causes and cause sequences possible, quantitative and/or qualitative reasoning, critical thinking/reasoning skill
- Demonstrate information literacy -- search for scientific data or information, discern reliable from non-reliable sources, source attribution, reliable and accurate reporting
- Demonstrate proficiency in communication -- oral, written and technological
- Synthesize ideas -- interrelationship of sub-disciplines of earth sciences, interdisciplinary thinking
- Exhibit professionalism -- ethics, integrity, meeting deadlines, work ethic, etc.
- Demonstrate computer and technological adeptness
- Assess and evaluate scientific and environmental situations
- Develop an appreciation and responsibility for the natural world