Learning Outcomes

  • Become competent, independent, and critical thinkers by developing into allied health professionals that are proficient in the care of the physically active, as evidenced by attaining BOC Inc. certification and demonstrating quality injury prevention, identification, care and rehabilitation.
  • Accept the role of the athletic training professional and demonstrate a positive attitude regarding the athletic training profession as shown through professional attendance at conferences, in communication with other individuals, and exhibition of solid work habits.
  • Adhere to the NATA Code of Ethics and the BOC Standards pf Professional Practice, and maintain high moral standards when performing professional duties.
  • Continue to develop knowledge and skills beyond Southern Connecticut State University, and enhance the athletic training profession by sharing that knowledge and expertise with local, state, and national professional organizations in the role of members of organizational committees via professional and public service.
  • Become involved with society outside of their professional requirements as demonstrated by assisting those in need and working to make their own piece of the world a better place by contributing to the community in which s/he lives, works and learns.
  • Demonstrate a strong foundation in natural sciences appropriate for admission to graduate level health professions degree programs and health research careers.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of behavioral sciences appropriate for admission to graduate level health professions degree programs and health research careers.
  • Demonstrate ability to critically examine and produce sound written analyses of health science related literature.
  • Demonstrate practical application of health and fitness assessment techniques.
  • Demonstrate general knowledge of medical perspectives, health professions, and healthcare systems.

Both undergraduate and graduate students engaged in study of the Exercise Sciences will strive to accomplish:

  • Professional excellence in academic knowledge and the practical application thereof based on the Competencies of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the Guidelines of the American Society of Exercise Physiologists (ASEP).
  • Fundamental, advanced, and contemporary exercise science knowledge applied in state, regional and national professional settings of disease prevention, healthful lifestyle, clinical rehabilitation and fitness maintenance.
  • Adherence to the ACSM Code of Ethics published by said organization and maintenance of the highest moral standards in performance of professional activity.
  • Exemplary leadership in personal and professional lifestyle behaviors  demonstrating the concept "fit body - fit mind."

Leadership Competencies:

  • Demonstrate proficiency in contributing to organizational teams;
  • Integrate findings into plans and operations of strategic planning, quality improvement planning and professional development in health care arenas;
  • Synthesize theories of fundamental organizational implications with particular regard to regulatory requirements specific to the healthcare system;
  • Demonstrate effective written and verbal communication with multidisciplinary members of the healthcare team; understand the complex nature of quality, cost-effective health care delivery;
  • Demonstrate the ability to lead health care teams in care planning, bedside decision-making, and collaboration with other healthcare professionals;
  • Communicate with patients, families, communities and other health professionals in a responsible and responsive manner that supports a team approach to the maintenance of health treatment of the disease.

Evidence-based Medicine and Respiratory Care Protocols:

  • Critique published research; apply evidence-based medicine (EBM) to clinical practice;
  • Integrate findings from qualitative and quantitative data;
  • Evaluate the use of evidence-based medicine in the development and application of hospital-based respiratory care protocols;
  • Demonstrate an ability to collect, manage and organize data to produce information;
  • Treat patients in a variety of settings, using the appropriate respiratory care protocols.

Critical Thinking Competencies:

  • Demonstrate understanding and application of logical reasoning, problem-solving skills, ethics, professionalism and ability to self-reflect; demonstrate competency in the application of problem solving strategies in the patient care setting;
  • Integrate the critical thinking domains specific to respiratory care (technology, patients, clinicians) and demonstrate an ability to function within each domain; 
  • Integrate current and projected trends (e.g., health, fiscal, social, political, environmental) in health care and pulmonary medicine;
  • Demonstrate ability to think conceptually and execute planned approaches to care.

Clinical Decision-Making Competencies:

  • Explain the connections between critical thinking, clinical reasoning, diagnostic reasoning, decision analysis and problems in a variety of health care settings.
  • Incorporate interdisciplinary and inter-professional competencies in clinical settings, including systems thinking theories.
  • Pre-service teachers can understand physical education content and disciplinary concepts related to the development of a physically educated person.
  • Pre-service teachers can understand how individuals learn and develop and can provide opportunities that support their physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development.
  • Pre-service teachers can understand how individuals differ in their approaches to learning, and create appropriate instruction adapted to these differences.
  • Pre-service teachers can use an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a safe learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self motivation. 
  • Pre-service teachers can use knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques to enhance learning and engagement in physical activity settings.
  • Pre-service teachers can plan and implement a variety of developmentally appropriate instructional strategies to develop physically educated individuals, based on state and national (NASPE K-12) standards.
  • Pre-service teachers can understand and use assessment to foster physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development of students in physical activity.
  • Pre-service teachers are reflective practitioners who evaluate the effects of their actions on others (e.g., students, parents/guardians, fellow professionals), and seek opportunities to grow professionally.
  • Pre-service teachers can use information technology to enhance learning and to enhance personal and professional productivity.
  • Pre-service teachers can foster relationships with colleagues, parents/guardians, and community agencies to support students' growth and well being.

School Health Education students will be able to:

  • implement the knowledge and skills needed to teach health education content and skills aligned with the National Health Education Standards.
  • address health needs, practices, interests, and strengths of culturally diverse populations in school health curricula.
  • assess, implement, and evaluate school health curricula and other health education programs.
  • facilitate effective pedagogical methods and strategies in the P12 classroom setting.
  • locate and implement developmentally appropriate materials, methods, and resources for teaching health.
  • engage in advanced study, and/or personal growth related to school health educators.
  • develop the skills and strategies for helping to promote change within school health education.

The Student Outcomes are:

  • Students will be prepared to pass and take the Praxis II Exam as evidenced by the exam.
  • Students will meet the American Association of Health Educators and the National Council Accreditation of Teacher Education standards by achieving the performance indicators for those competencies.
  • Students will meet the Connecticut State Teaching Competencies as evidenced by achieving the performance indicators for those competencies.
  • The School Health Education Program will meet the expectations as evidenced by their responses on surveys.
  • Students will be employed as Health Educators or in related fields as indicated by the results on program surveys.
  • Students will be prepared to teach the ten major content areas as identified in the definition of Comprehensive School Health Education as evidenced by course grades.
  • Students will know and use the ten principles of the Council of Chief State School Officers: Interstate New Teachers Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) model standards for beginning teacher licensing and development.