Physical education candidates demonstrate an understanding of common and specialized content, and scientific and theoretical foundations for the delivery of an effective preK-12 physical education program.
Physical education candidates are physically literate individuals who can demonstrate skillful performance in physical education content areas and health-enhancing levels of fitness.
Physical education candidates apply content and foundational knowledge to plan and implement developmentally appropriate learning experiences aligned with local, state and/or SHAPE America National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education through the effective use of resources, accommodations and/or modifications, technology and metacognitive strategies to address the diverse needs of all students.
Physical education candidates engage students in meaningful learning experiences through effective use of pedagogical skills. They use communication, feedback, and instructional and managerial skills to enhance student learning.
Physical education candidates select and implement appropriate assessments to monitor students’ progress and guide decision making related to instruction and learning.
Physical education candidates demonstrate behaviors essential to becoming effective professionals. They exhibit professional ethics and culturally competent practices; seek opportunities for continued professional development; and demonstrate knowledge of promotion/advocacy strategies for physical education and expanded physical activity opportunities that support the development of physically literate individuals.
Candidates possess functional health education knowledge about effective curricula, health behavior theories, health education standards, the whole child approach, risk and protective factors, ways to prevent chronic and communicable diseases, and the multidimensionality of health plus the literacy skills of an informed consumer that helps them create meaningful learning experiences.
Candidates assess needs and assets of learners, learning, and the learning community in order to inform their practice.
Candidates use needs assessment data, health education standards, and principles of learning to plan cohesive, sequential lessons and units that include ways to accommodate students’ differing strengths and needs and that use 21st Century technology in order to support students’ acquisition of functional health knowledge, health-related skills, and health beliefs.
Candidates employ a variety of research/theory-based instructional strategies in a well-managed classroom that encourages all learners regardless of race, ethnic origin, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, family structure, English-language proficiency, and physical or cognitive ability to adopt healthy behaviors and to interact positively with others; candidates reflect on their practice and adapt practice in order to meet students’ and instructional needs.
Candidates use multiple assessment methods that are aligned with standards and learning objectives to measure students’ achievement, document their progress and guide instructional practice.
Candidates demonstrate professionalism and ethical practices; make the case for the value of health education to academic success as well as wellness; advocate for both programs and students’ welfare; make appropriate referrals; engage students’ families regardless of race, ethnic origin, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, family structure, English language proficiency and physical or cognitive ability; engage colleagues within the school and community as well as the community at large using a variety of media including social media; and demonstrate a lifelong learner disposition.