As you continue your academic journey to Southern, review and complete the items on the below checklist to make sure that you’re prepared for your first semester as a Southern Owl.
If you have any general questions, please contact First Year Admissions at 203-392-5644 or email
Within your Admissions portal, complete the SCSU Reply Form.
Full Time Students are required to submit a $200 non-refundable enrollment deposit to secure your placement in Orientation and course registration.
We're excited to offer our newly accepted first-year students many opportunities to get to know Southern. From academic-focused events and accepted student tours to in-person celebrations, we're bringing Southern students and staff together to help answer your questions in real-time.
How to Activate Your MySCSU Account
Using your SCSU email address provided in your Admissions portal, activate your MySCSU account.
Your initial password will be set to: SCSU!mmddyy (month, date and year of your birth)
Check your SCSU Email Using the Outlook App
SCSU Email is the official means of communication from the university. It is your responsibility to check it frequently.
Contact SCSU IT Helpdesk if you have trouble logging in.
All first-year students (full-time and part-time) must establish a placement level in English and Mathematics before they can register for Fall semester courses. Students typically receive their fall course schedule at New Student Orientation (NSO).
Many students will need to take the English or Mathematics placement assessments. We strongly encourage you to take them as soon as possible so that we are able to help you get the right schedule for your first semester.
In order to determine whether you need to take the Mathematics or English assessment, please follow the numbered steps provided in the link below.
Academic Placement for New First-Year Students
All students must request their final official high school transcript be sent to SCSU, with graduation date included. Digital transmission is preferred.
If you have completed any Advanced Placement (AP) exams, please send your official scores from the College Board directly to SCSU Admissions. If you have completed any Early College Experience (ECE) classes, please send official transcripts directly from the college or university (e.g., University of Connecticut or Gateway Community College) to SCSU Admissions. Credits from AP and ECE cannot be granted based on high school transcripts.
Orientation Sessions
New student orientation is required to attend for all first year students to register for classes.
We will offer campus-based orientation sessions throughout the winter in addition to enrolling all first-year students in the Asynchronous platform.
All matriculated (degree-seeking) students are required to submit the Connecticut State University Student Health Services Health Form and Immunization Requirements by January 1st for the Spring semester and August 1st for the Fall semester.
- Visit Student Health Services Forms to download the form and view instructions. This includes immunization requirements
- Completed forms and vaccine requirements can be uploaded to the Health Services Portal by logging in with your Username and the password you created for MySCSU. Your SCSU Student ID and Username are listed on your Admissions Portal.
Contact Student Health Services with any questions.
If you have a documented disability or other diagnosed condition that impacts your educational experience at Southern, you may be eligible for academic or other accommodations. To see if you are eligible for accommodations, please do the following:
- Complete the Student Accommodation Intake Form using your SCSU Banner student ID number (provided in your SCSU acceptance letter).
- Have your current healthcare provider complete the appropriate Documentation Form for Accommodations available here (under “Registering,” then “Documentation Guidelines”). We strongly encourage the use of these forms because they address the information necessary to evaluate accommodation requests. Your provider may submit a signed letter on letterhead that addresses each of the questions on the relevant CASAS form(s)
- Collect any other relevant documentation such as:
- Your current IEP (Individualized Educational Program) or 504 Plan, along with your most recent academic achievement, cognitive/psychoeducational, and related services (e.g., speech and language, occupational, and physical therapy, etc.) evaluations (School districts complete this testing every 3 years for students with IEPs.)
- Accommodation letters from your previous college or university (for transfer students)
- Healthcare records, reports, etc.
- Submit your documentation to CASAS by:
- uploading it through the Accommodate portal (at the bottom of the completed Intake Form)
- emailing it to us at
- faxing it to us at (203) 392-6829, or
- dropping it off at the CASAS office on the 3rd floor of Buley Library (please place documentation in a sealed envelope addressed to “Accessibility Services”)
- Schedule a virtual or in-person intake meeting with a member of the CASAS accessibility services team
- through the Accommodate portal
- by calling CASAS at (203) 392-6828, or
- by stopping by the CASAS office on the 3rd floor of Buley Library
CASAS strongly encourages students to submit documentation and schedule intake meetings beginning in June (for Fall admissions) or late November (for Spring admissions). Students who wait until arriving on campus may find it difficult to schedule an intake meeting for several weeks due to the large volume of intakes at CASAS. Students also should be mindful that many providers take several weeks to complete and return accommodation documentation forms.
If you have questions about accommodations, documentation requirements, or the eligibility process, please reach out to us at (203) 392-6828 or or stop by the CASAS office.
As you continue to make important decisions about your college journey, you’ll be deciding how you will experience Southern’s campus. Living on campus offers exciting experiences, new opportunities for growth and unparalleled convenience.
We hope you choose to live on campus with us. To apply for housing and pay your $250 housing deposit go to your MyHousing portal and follow the steps below.
- Log on to your MySCSU
- Click on Banner Student
- Select MyHousing
- Next to the Residence Life logo on the top left click on the three lines
- Click "Applications"
- Click on "Housing Application and Deposit"
- Complete the application and pay the $250 non-refundable housing deposit
See all that residence life has to offer!
Office of Residence Life
Phone: (203) 392-5870
Note: All incoming First-Year and Transfer students cannot submit a housing deposit until they have submitted a $200 admissions deposit.
You are invited to participate in an incredibly special opportunity to kick off your educational journey at SCSU: Summer Institute!
Students who join the Summer Institute will:
- Start their first semester with an improved and strengthened academic foundation
- Connect with like-minded peers and ease the transition into the SCSU community
- Learn and practice academic success skills and strategies necessary for college-level courses
- Have the opportunity to participate in fun group outings, activities, and more!
Financial Aid
Financial aid is funding that is intended to help students pay for tuition and fees, room and board (or living expenses, if commuting), transportation, books and supplies.
- If you plan on applying for financial aid but have not done so please follow the instructions outlined in The Financial Aid Process.
- If you have applied for financial aid you can check the status of your financial aid package, accept your award and complete any requirements.
Remember the FAFSA is a free application and will not ask you for payment.
Financial Literacy
- Meet one on one with SCSU's free Financial Literacy Advisor, Lew Deluca, who will go over payment plan options, financial aid and scholarship opportunities. Learn how to maximize your educational investment!
Student Accounts
The Student Accounts Office is primarily responsible for student billing, payment, refund, and veteran enrollment certification processing. Many services may be completed online.
Visit the Student Accounts website for:
- Tuition and Fees
- Bill Due Dates and Payment Options
- Payment Plans
- Refunds
Students can authorize academic and/or financial records to be shared with a designee (i.e. parent, guardian, or other third party). This authorization may also be withdrawn at any time.
Undergraduate Admissions
(203) 392-5644
Financial Aid & Scholarships
(203) 392-5222
Residence Life
(203) 392-5870
Orientation, Transition and Family Engagement
(203) 392-5189
Academic Advising
(203) 392-5367
Student Accounts Office
(203) 392-6140
Student Health Services
(203) 392-6300
Academic Placement
IT Help Desk
(203) 392-5123