
Dr. Karolina Dudzik

Assistant Professor
School of Nursing
HHS 325

Erin Duff

Wellbeing Specialist
SZ 100 I

Ms. Kat Duffner

University Assistant
LY B 039

Michael Duhaime

Mail Handler
Mail Services
WT 137

Dr. Ellen Durnin

Dean Emeritus
School of Business

Dr. Cheryl C Durwin

Professor of Psychology
EN D 065

Dr. Sandip Dutta

Professor of Finance & Dept. Chairperson
Finance and Real Estate
SB 436

Miss Amanda Dzierlatka

Financial Aid Counselor
Financial Aid & Scholarships
WT 117 A

Dr. Nicholas P Edgington

Biotech Program Coordinator
ASL 311 E

Bonnie Edmondson

Coordinator of School Health Education
School Health Education
OB1 102

Ms. Julie Edstrom

Vice President for Enrollment Management
Enrollment Management
WT 108 B

Myranda Edwards

Secretary 2
Healthcare Systems and Innovation, Public Health
HHS 341

Jason Edwards

Social Media Coordinator
Integrated Communications and Marketing
OB1 112 J

Robert Eggerling

Asst. Football Coach
Athletics - Men's Football
MFH 202 B

Dr. Luke Eilderts

Associate Professor of French
World Languages & Literatures
EN D157