
Dexter Rodriguez

Accessibility Services Specialist
Center for Academic Success and Accessibility Services
BU 324

Ruben Rodriguez

Facilities Operations - Carpentry
FO 113

Mrs. Andria Rodriguez

Part Time Faculty
Marriage & Family Therapy
DA 016

Dr. Elizabeth Rodriguez-Keyes

Professor / Coordinator, MSW Online Program
Social Work
OR 104

Dr. Sarah Roe

Associate Professor
EN B 225 C

Dr. Dana Rogers

Communication, Media, and Screen Studies
EN B 019 R

Mr. Mikey Rohrer

Assistant Director / Tech Manager
Adanti Student Center, Conferencing, Events and Student Affairs Auxiliaries ( CESAA )
ASC 325 G

Silvia Rojas-Galindo

World Languages & Literatures
EN D 163 A

Edward Roman

Coordinator of Special Ed
Student Teaching
DA 112

Hannah Rosario

Director of Neff
Residence Life
NE 127