
Janet Connolly

Adjunct Faculty
Recreation Tourism & Sport Mgmt
HHS 289

Dr. Andrew Conroe

Adjunct Professor
EN C 027 E

Mrs. Britt Conroy, MPH

Coordinator Veteran, Military and Adult Learning Support
Veteran's Office
EN A 012

Patty Conte

Internship Coordinator
School of Business
SB 120

Mrs. Carol Conway

Office Assistant
Financial Aid & Scholarships
WT 117

Barbara Cook, Ed.D., CCC-SLP

Associate Professor / Graduate Program Coordinator / Chair of Graduate Council
Communication Disorders
HHS 214

Kenneth G Cook

IT Systems & Infrastructure
BU 402-15

Tahnee Cookson Muhammad

CARE Community Outreach Coordinator
College of Health and Human Services
HHS 384

Dr. Jennifer Cooper Boemmels

Assistant Professor
Earth Science
ASL 218 B

Shannon Copeland

Adjunct Instructor
ASL 118 B

Marlene Cordero

Senior Human Resources Business Partner
Human Resources
WT 122 F

Dr. Asa Cort

Adjunct Professor of Finance
Finance and Real Estate
SB 436

Emily Costa

Adjunct Faculty
EN B 231 B