
Mr. Vincent N Ferrie

Assistant Director
Conferencing, Events and Student Affairs Auxiliaries ( CESAA ), Lyman Center, Lyman Center - Box Office
LY 105

Dr. Krystal P. Finch

Assistant Professor
Social Work
LA 109

Stephanie Fischer

Adjunct Faculty
EN B 231 B

Dr. Michael Fisher

Graduate Coordinator
JE 218

Ava Fitzmaurice

Assistant Coach
Athletics - Women's Softball
PE 109

Ashley Fleming

Director of Catering
Food Services - Catering Services
CO 038

Prof. William Flores

World Languages & Literatures
JE 215 B

Mrs. Carla A Flynn

Transfer Student Services
WT 108 D

Mr. Mark Fogel

Asst. Men's Basketball
Athletics - Men's Basketball
MFH 219

Agostinho Fonseca

Facilities Operations - Carpentry
FO 113