
Andrew Gundell

Adjunct Instructor of Songwriting
EA 120 B

Nadya Gutierrez Rivera

University Assistant
Center of Excellence for Teaching and Learning
NU 101 A

Yvonne Guttadaro, M.S., CCC-SLP

Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Communication Disorders
HHS 208

Jacqueline Guzman

Assistant Director of Advising for Health and Human Services
Academic Advising
JE 135 B

Alexis Haakonsen

CRM Coordinator
Enrollment Management
WT 105 A

Megan Habakangas

Assistant Coach
Athletics - Field Hockey
MFH 115

Mr. Carl J. Haberfeld

Part Time Adjunct Faculty
Computer Science
MO 117

Mrs. Sedell A Hairston-Hatton

Administrative Assistant
Transfer Student Services
WT 116

Juanita Halepas

World Languages & Literatures
EN D 163 A

Ronald Hammond

Adjunct Faculty
Recreation Tourism & Sport Mgmt
HHS 289

Dr. Seungmin Han

Associate Professor
Management / IB
SB 215