
Dr. Adiel Coca

Department Chairman / Professor
Chemistry and Biochemistry
ASL 108 D / 340 D

Gregory Cochenet

Art and Design
EA 202A

Mr. Richard Cogswell

Director of Custodial and Grounds
Facilities Operations - Administration
FO 312

Mr. Adam Cohen

Head, Women's Soccer Coach
Athletics - Women's Soccer
MFH 205 B

Emily Cole

Assistant Director of Advising for Education
Academic Advising
DA 106

Ayeisha Cole

CARE Director
College of Health and Human Services
HHS 378

Dr. Ebony S Cole

Associate Director
Financial Aid & Scholarships
WT 117

Laura Colella

Advancement Services Specialist
Institutional Advancement
OB1 112 N

Dr. Kelly Coleman

Assistant Professor / Program Director, Athletic Training Education
Health & Movement Sciences
HHS 004

Steven Collison

IT Systems & Infrastructure
BU 402-13

Alberto Colon

Facilities Operations - Custodial

Dr. Kevin Colwell

Psychological Assessment Office
EN B 008 C

Dr. Kevin Colwell

Professor of Psychology
EN D 067