
Mr. Kyle Augustine

University Assistant
Center for Educational and Assistive Technology
EN B 017

Salvador Aurelia

Environmental Health and Safety ( EHS ) Coordinator
Facilities Operations - Administration
FO 331

Ms. Oluwatoyin Awoyinka

Assistant Professor
Management / IB
SB 226

Dr. Robert S Axtell

Professor / Graduate Coordinator, Exercise Science
Health & Movement Sciences
HHS 175

Rueban Ayarna

Assistant Coach
Athletics - Men's Soccer
MFH 205 B

Elvisa Babaca

Adjunct Faculty
EN B 231 B

Sarah Backus

Communication, Media, and Screen Studies
EN B 019 P

Sarah Backus

World Languages & Literatures
EN D 163

Kauther Badr, Esq., MBA

Associate Professor
Management / IB
SB 213

Dr. Sara J Baker

Communication, Media, and Screen Studies
EN B 019 Q

Matthew Balanda

Adjunct Instructor
ASL 118 B

Mr. Christopher Balsley

Adjunct Faculty
Earth Science
MO 211 / ASL 216

Luke Banack

World Languages & Literatures
EN D 163 A