
Ms. Loren W Loomis Hubbell

University Controller
University Controller
WT 134

Daniela Lopes

Assistant Professor
School of Nursing
HHS 337

Melissa Lopez, RN, BSN, MPH

Director of Student Health Services
Health Services
GR 48

Dr. Angela M Lopez-Velasquez

Undergraduate Coordinator
Inclusive Education and Behavior Science
DA 216 G

Donna Lopiano

Adjunct Faculty
Recreation Tourism & Sport Mgmt
HHS 289

Eric Lord

Programmer Specialist
IT Enterprise Applications
BU 402-28

Sharon Lovett-Graff

Adjunct Librarian
Library Services
BU 112 A

Ashley Lowe

Admissions and Practicum Placement Assistant
Social Work, Social Work / Field Placement Office
OR 204

Tarah Loy Ashe

Recreation Tourism & Sport Mgmt
HHS 279

Dr. Tarah Loy-Ashe

Assistant Professor
Recreation Tourism & Sport Mgmt
HHS 279

Ms. Kayla A. Luciano, LMSW

Student Engagement Specialist
Social Work
LA 107

Alexis Lucibello

Childcare Center
NU 104 D

Arlene Lucibello

University Scheduling Office
LY 116

Mr. Henry Lugo

Adjunct Instructor of Bass
EA 114 A