
Dr. Antoinette Towle

School of Nursing
HHS 318

Andrew Tripaldi

Adjunct Faculty
EN B 231 B

Dr. Christopher E. Trombly

Interim Dean of College of Education
College of Education
DA 103

Dr. Christopher E Trombly

Coordinator of EDL 6th Year Program, Associate Professor
Educational Leadership & Policy Studies
DA 012 G

Jennifer Tropeano

University Assistant - Residence Life Operations
Residence Life
SZ 105

Mr. Eric Trudel

Adjunct Instructor of Piano
EA 114 A

Dr. Katherine Tucker

Assistant Professor
School of Nursing
HHS 358

Dr. Lauren Tucker

Inclusive Education and Behavior Science
DA 210 C

Matilde Tupete

University Assistant
Institutional Advancement
OB 1 112 Lobby

Jay Turiano

Asst. Coordinator Athletic Facilities
MFH 213

Mrs. Betsy ( Missy ) Tuschhoff

Secretary 1
Facilities Operations - Inventory Control
FO 118

Donald Tutson

Adjunct Faculty
Recreation Tourism & Sport Mgmt
HHS 289

Harry Twyman

Director of Academic Advising
Academic Advising
BU 102 C

Dr. Tracy Tyree

Vice President for Student Affairs
Student Affairs, Vice President for
EN A 215 B

Margaret Ukah

Office Of Educational Services
DA 112