Exploratory - Arts and Humanities
ANT 101 - Cultural Anthropology
ANT 102 - Biological Anthropology
ANT 252 - Introduction Forensic Science
ART 114 - Digital Foundations for Art & Design
ART 150 - Introductory Drawing 1
ART 236 - Ceramics I: Hand-Building
ART 264 - Introduction to Digital Photography
COM 101 - Public Speaking
COM 212 - Visual Communication
JRN 101 - The Media: Freedom and Power
JRN 170 - Basic Drone Technology
MUS 117 - Introduction to Music Technology
THR 121 - Foundations of Acting
WGS 100 - Dynamics of Gender, Race, and Class
WLL - World Languages & Literature (CHI, ITA, FRE, SPA)
Exploratory - Business
ACC 200 - Principles of Financial Accounting
ECO 100 - Principles of Macroeconomics
FIN 200 - Critical Thinking in Finance
MAT 107 - Elementary Statistics
MGT 100 - Introduction to Business
MGT 200 - Managerial Communication
MGT 240 - Business Law and Ethics
MKT 200 - Principles of Marketing
SMT 185 - Introduction to E-Sports
SMT 271 - Foundations of Sport Management
THE 260 - Introduction to Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management
Exploring - Education
EDU 106 - New Literacies: Digital Text and Tools for Learning
EDU 200 - Teachers, Schools, and Society
Exploring - Health and Human Services
HLS 100 - Introduction to Healthcare Professions
HLS 101 - Essentials of Medical Terminology
HLS 121 - Skills for Becoming a Certified Nurse Aide
HLS 260 - Medical Terminology of Body Systems and Diseases
HMS 160 - Introduction to Exercise and Sport Science
PCH 200 - Introduction to Nutrition
PCH 201 - Wellness
PCH 202 - Introduction to Public Health
PCH 265 - Illness and Disease
SWK 200 - Social Welfare and Social Services in America
Exploring - Social & Behavioral Sciences
PSC 200 - Political Change and Conflict
PSC 260 - U.S. Government
PSY 100 - Introduction to Psychology
PSY 227 - Social Psychology
SOC 100 - Introduction to Sociology
SOC 162 - Introduction to Criminology
Exploring - STEM
CHE 120 - General Chemistry I
CHE 121 - General Chemistry II
CSC 101 - Introduction to Computers and Applications
CSC 104 - Web Technology
CSC 152 - CS1: Programming Fundamentals
CSC 200 - Information Management and Productivity Software
EGR 151 - Engineering Concepts
ENV 101 - Critical Thinking: Global Environmental Issues
ESC 103 - General Geology
GEO 200 - Human Geography
GEO 201 - Physical Geography
MAR 140 - The World Ocean
MAT 103 - Mathematics for Liberal Arts
MAT 107 - Elementary Statistics
MAT 120 - College Algebra
MAT 122 - Precalculus
MAT 150 - Calculus I
PHY 200 - General Physics I