The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) is an NSF-funded program that provides academic support and specialized advising for students from historically underrepresented groups who wish to enter non-medical STEM professions.

The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) is an NSF-funded program that provides academic support and specialized advising for students from historically underrepresented groups who wish to enter non-medical STEM professions.
The Nutmeg State Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) will bring together the four regional public comprehensive universities in the State of Connecticut with the primary goal of increasing the number of STEM graduates from underrepresented minorities (African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, Alaskan Natives, and Native Pacific Islanders) at each institution by at least 20% per year over the five years of the grant.
Each campus will use best practices from other LSAMP programs to create campus-based structures that address three main areas for the students in the program: success in gateway mathematics and science courses, financial need, and creation of a sense of belonging and self-identity as a STEM scholar. The four campuses will come together as a cohesive LSAMP alliance through shared research seminars, social events, collaborative project-based learning, and the sharing of best teaching practices through faculty development workshops.
Summer Bridge Program
First-Year Learning Communities
Internship Opportunities
Tutoring and Peer Mentoring
Seminar Series
Peer mentors and academic success centers provide sessions on success strategies—note-taking, self-advocacy, and study skills. Campus programs emphasize mathematics. Faculty offer lab tours, teach gateway course content, and introduce interdisciplinary projects. Social events foster connections among faculty, peer mentors, and LSAMP scholars.
We aim to aid students in their transition to college by providing guidance on university processes and support systems. Additionally, we emphasize the importance of building a strong community among students for mutual support and a positive college experience.
Nutmeg State LSAMP will take advantage of established mentoring programs and industry partners to connect students with research and internship opportunities. We will promote the LSAMP program to Connecticut industries to increase our network in order to obtain more internship opportunities for the fellows as well as full-time employment for the graduates of the Nutmeg State LSAMP program.
In the summer between their first and second years, students conduct research with faculty mentors, continuing this collaboration into their sophomore year. Additionally, junior and senior peer mentors offer guidance, creating a supportive academic community.
Approximately every two weeks of the fall and spring semesters, a CSU professor or a member of local industry will give a 50-minute seminar talk. These will rotate between the four CSUs and will be virtually broadcast to the others. Each campus will follow up with a discussion of the seminar on their campus.
Join the Fall 2025 cohort of LSAMP scholars from across the four CSUs! Programming begins in Summer 2025.
Students must be:
Visit each institution's Admissions website. The application process may be different for each institution.
Undergraduate Admissions
LSAMP Application
Email for Questions
For all general questions, please contact Sheila Carmon.