
Upcoming Events


International Conference - Lost Voices: Women Philosophers and Scientists from Traditions Around the World


The Fall Forum on Lost Voices: Women Philosophers and Scientists from Traditions Around the World is free and open to faculty members in all disciplines and will take place on October 11th, 2024 from 9 am-5 pm in Adanti 301.

World-renowned scholars will discuss some of history's lesser-known and non-canonical thinkers, including social and political conditions that prevented their ideas from being recognized, and ideas for diversifying contemporary curricula to include non-canonical and non-Western sources. 

The Forum is co-sponsored by SCSU Faculty Development, The SCSU Department of Philosophy, The Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists (Paderborn, Germany), and The Research Center for Women in Philosophy Croatia.

Fall School 

In addition to the Fall Forum, students can participate in the Fall School with events taking place during the course of the conference.

The school is part of an ongoing collaboration I have with the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists (Paderborn, Germany), and The Research Center for Women in Philosophy Croatia, where previous schools have been held.  

Participants at the school will have an opportunity to attend the one-day international fall forum. We are proud to say that our own Nina Dudley will be speaking on women in indigenous philosophies at the conference, alongside six renowned scholars.

Participation in the Fall School is free and open to advanced undergraduate and graduate students in all disciplines. Students will have an opportunity to present a poster on a woman in philosophy via Zoom on October 10th and in person at a poster exhibition on campus on October 11th.  

Participants will receive a certificate of completion if they exhibit a poster either online or on Zoom.

This is a hybrid event from October 9th to 11th, 2024.

The schedule is as follows:

  • October 9th - Discussion "What is a PhilosopHER?" 1:10-2 pm EST/ 13:10-14:00 CET (In person on SCSU campus EN B 218 or join via Zoom)
  • October 10th - Online Student Poster Presentations on Women in Philosophy 9 am-11am EST/15:00-17:00 pm CET (via Zoom)
  • October 11th - International Fall Forum on Lost Voices: Women Philosophers and Scientists from Around the World featuring Academic lectures from world-renowned scholars. Student poster exhibition. 9 am-5 pm EST/ 15:00 pm-23:00 CET (in person on SCSU campus Adanti 301 or join via Zoom). 

Register for the Fall Forum Register to the Fall School


Philosophy Club - "What Can Philosophers Say About Genocide?" Hosted by CSU Professor & Department Chair David Pettigrew

The first official meeting of the on-campus Philosophy Club will be held on Wednesday, September 18th from 1:10pm until 2pm in EN B218.

To kick things off, the department will be hosting a series of faculty-led discussions, while encouraging participants to form a student committee, to establish future club events, discussions, and meetings.

There is a current opening for a club president, and all SCSU students are welcome to join in and get involved! We also invite friends of the department to join in the discussion!

The topic of our first talk is "What Can Philosophers Say About Genocide?" and will be led by Department Chair, Professor David Pettigrew.

Upcoming Fall semester meetings include the topics "Who/What is a PhilosopHER?" led by Professor Chelsea Harry, and "Does AI Pose an Existential Threat to Humanity?" led by Professor Heidi Lockwood, with dates/times TBC.

Meetings will also be held via Zoom for those who cannot attend in person.