The Master of Science in School Health Education prepares school health educators to plan, implement, and evaluate effective health education programming to meet the needs of students and to step into leadership roles in the field of school health education.
The mission of this fully online program is to prepare educators with the skills and knowledge to coordinate, teach, lead, and advocate for school health education programs for grades pre-K through twelve. Additionally, this program meets the requirements for certified teachers seeking a cross-endorsement in health education in the state of Connecticut. Students engage in courses that develop and advance a range of skills and topics from curriculum development, to skills-based teaching strategies, to social justice approaches and health promotion and advocacy. This graduate program is designed to support the individual learners through real-life experiences and whenever possible, application within their current school communities. Courses in this 30-credit program are all offered online.
School health programs are believed to be one of the most efficient strategies to develop and promote health and well-being and to prevent major health and social issues. Next to family, schools are the major institutions for providing the instruction and experiences that prepare students for their roles as healthy, productive adults. Appropriate school health education and other health-related interventions can support academic outcomes, prevent unhealthy behaviors, promote enduring health practices, and advance personal and community health and well-being.
Read more about the characteristics of effective programs.
Many educators value a School Health Education degree as it complements existing certifications, increases marketability, and can lead to additional leadership opportunities. Skills and knowledge developed in this Master's program are also transferrable to different settings including health education specialists and community health educators. Both of these careers have faster-than-average job outlooks through 2032.
School / College
College of Health & Human Services
Health and Movement Sciences
Dr. Sarah Benes