Working part-time while attending college has many benefits, including learning the expectations of the workplace, improving your time management skills, and developing other abilities necessary for success after you graduate. There are three ways to explore student employment while attending Southern.
On-Campus Student Employment
Student employment is part-time position ranging anywhere from 5-18 hours per week through a department on campus. Any department on campus may offer a part-time position and is available to all Southern students. To apply for on-campus jobs, students should log onto JOBS and search for on-campus employment. Each individual opportunity will clarify how students should apply for these types of positions.
Federal Work Study Program
The Federal Work-Study Program (FWS) is a federal program that provides part-time employment opportunities for part-time and full-time undergraduate or graduate matriculated students. Eligibility is based on need as determined by Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. Employment opportunities on campus include jobs in the university library, laboratories, facility operations, health service, and various campus offices. The Office of Career & Professional Development provides supplemental support to the Federal Work Study Program. All general inquiries regarding federal work study should be directed to Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. To search for federal work study opportunities, students should log onto JOBS and search for federal work study.
Part-Time Off-Campus Jobs
Students can submit a résumé in JOBSs to apply for part-time positions with employers looking to recruit at Southern. The Center for Career Services recommends students have their resume reviewed through the JOBSs portal to ensure optimum success.