Four-Year Career Checklist

Career Engagement

Although four years sounds like a long time, college can go by fast. Before you know it, you will be applying for internships, jobs, or graduate programs. The Four-Year Career Checklist provides important action items to empower your career development. Use this checklist to guide the choices you make professionally during your time at Southern Connecticut State University.

Keep in mind that careers are flexible. You will likely make adjustments or revisit certain action items throughout your collegiate journey.

Remember, no matter where you are in your Four-Year Career Checklist, the Office of Career and Professional Development is here to support and empower your career development. Contact OCPD for more information.

SCSU 4-Year Planning Guide
  • Get accustomed to the campus and academic life
  • Find campus resources
  • Develop relationships with RAs, TAs, Upperclassmen, and Professors, and Peer Mentors
  • Explore potential majors, career interests, strengths, weaknesses, personality, and career competencies
  • Create a resume and cover letter 
  • Log into the JOBSs Portal
  • Declare a major, minor, and/ or concentration.
  • Review Jobs Portal and look for potential jobs on campus
  • Create Career Plans with OCPD
  • Get involved in extracurriculars on campus
  • Apply to internships volunteer opportunities, and study abroad experiences.
  • Attend Info Sessions, Career Fairs & Career Panels
  • Update your career plan and look for potential careers your degree offers
  • Start to network with people in your specific industry and stay up to date with information regarding your future career
  • Practice interview skills through a mock interview at OCPD
  • Continue to apply to internships, study abroad programs, and volunteer opportunities
  • Evaluate all offers before proceeding
  • Decide whether you will go to graduate school or to the workforce
  • Review potential graduate programs and their deadlines to apply
  • Finalize career plan
  • Update your resume and cover letter
  • Continue networking with previous contacts
  • Research the cost of living and relocation resources if you plan to move
  • Evaluate all full-time position offers