Computer Science, M.S. - Software Development (Hybrid)

The Master of Science degree in Computer Science prepares students for the challenges faced by professionals in the rapidly changing field of computer science, as well as for those planning to pursue advanced graduate study in the field of computing. The program provides students with foundations in computer science, along with state-of-the-art skills needed for its two areas of concentration namely, Software Development and Network and Information Security. The program is a 36-credit program in which all students must complete 30 credits of course work in addition to a 6-credit capstone requirement. The course work consists of 4 core courses, 4 concentration courses and 2 elective courses. The core courses provide the foundation for advanced studies in each of the concentrations and for the capstone experience. The Software Development concentration focuses on software engineering techniques, advanced database systems, mobile software development along with an emphasis on strategies, methods and techniques to measure and improve software quality. At the end of their studies students select one of the capstone options: Thesis or Special Project. In either, students must demonstrate ability to independently complete either a research or a special project and present the final results to the academic community. Once completed, students are ready to pursue advanced careers in the area of computer science either professionally or academically.