ChatGPT & AI Usage in Your Career Search

ChatGPT & AI Usage in Your Career Search

If used ethically and effectively, ChatGPT and other AI tools can be powerful resources for career exploration, job and internship searches, and organizing thoughts for content creation. Below are a few ways that AI can support your career success.

Industry Analysis

AI can efficiently gather industry data and career pathing information. While incorporating AI into your career development strategy can be beneficial, we recommend consulting with an SCSU Career Services team member for more comprehensive support.

Application Materials

When using AI for application materials like resumes and cover letters, it should only be used for generating ideas or examples. Your skills and experiences must be accurately represented, and maintaining your authentic voice and tone is critical.


You can describe a role to the AI and provide specific instructions (e.g., "You are a recruiter in the 'X' industry or at 'X' company"). Use follow-up questions to create a dialogue beyond the initial prompt. The "Regenerative Response" feature can also be used to request additional input.

Know the Limitations and Risks

While AI can be a useful tool, there are several risks to consider:

  • Company Policies: Different companies may have varying views on AI usage in applications. Some may use tools to detect AI-generated content. When possible, learn about a company’s stance on AI before including it in your application strategy.
  • Accuracy: AI-generated information may not always be accurate or up-to-date.
  • Legal Risks: Content generated by AI may contain copyrighted or legally protected material. Reproducing this content could put you at legal risk.

Prompts are Key

The quality of the AI's response depends on the prompts you provide. For example, when asking for help with a resume or job description, including the relevant documents will provide better context. Avoid including personal information in your prompts (e.g., name, email, phone number).

Creating Effective Prompts:

  • Be detailed and precise to generate better responses.
  • Clearly define your output goals, audience, and style.
  • Request specific formatting, include keywords, and provide examples for context.

Sample Prompts

Below are sample prompts you can use with AI tools.


  • Customize your prompts and provide specific details to improve the output.
  • AI-generated responses are a starting point – always conduct your own research.
  • Even if AI provides content, draft your own version based on your knowledge, experience, and unique voice.

Prompts for exploring different careers based on your major or interests.

  • How does my major connect to emerging career fields?

  • What are the transferable skills from my major that can be applied to multiple career paths?

  • What alternative careers exist outside the traditional paths for my major?

  • How can I align my personal interests and hobbies with potential career options?

  • What opportunities for interdisciplinary careers are available with my major?

Prompts for generating ideas to enhance your resume and cover letter.

  • What academic projects or coursework can I highlight to demonstrate relevant skills and knowledge?

  • What internships, part-time jobs, or volunteer experiences can I use to showcase my work ethic and professional growth?

  • Which leadership roles or extracurricular activities can I emphasize to show my ability to collaborate and lead?

  • What skills or certifications have I gained outside of the classroom that can give me a competitive edge?

  • How can I tailor my resume and cover letter to align with the specific qualifications and values of the company or role?

Prompts for gathering information on industry trends, companies, or marketing strategies.

  • What are the current and emerging trends in my field of interest, and how are they influencing the industry?

  • Which companies are leading innovation in my target industry, and what strategies are they using to stay competitive?

  • What marketing strategies are being used by successful companies to reach and engage their target audience?

  • How are industry leaders adapting to challenges such as economic shifts, regulation changes, or global competition?

  • What tools or platforms are industry professionals using to track performance, analyze data, or optimize operations?

Prompts to practice answering interview questions based on specific roles.

  • How can I demonstrate my ability to learn quickly and adapt to new environments when asked about relevant experience for this role?

  • What examples from my coursework or extracurricular activities can I use to highlight my problem-solving skills?

  • How can I connect my leadership or teamwork experiences to the requirements of the role I’m applying for?

  • What specific skills or experiences from my internships or part-time jobs can I emphasize to show my readiness for this position?

  • How can I articulate my long-term goals and align them with the company's mission during the interview?

Prompts to guide outreach messages for networking or building connections.

  • How can I introduce myself and explain why I’m reaching out in a way that feels genuine and professional?

  • What specific questions can I ask to show genuine interest in the person’s career or expertise?

  • How can I express appreciation for their time and provide a clear call to action without being too pushy?

  • How can I reference shared connections, experiences, or interests to make the message more personal?

  • How can I highlight my goals or interests in a way that shows I’m open to learning and growth?

Regarding the Use of Generative AI Tools

Generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, can be beneficial for various career and professional development activities. However, submitting AI-generated content as original work, even when modified, may present ethical and legal risks. If you're unsure about the appropriate use of Generative AI, consult with an SCSU career coach for guidance.