This handbook is designed to provide supervisors at Southern Connecticut State University with an overview of policies, procedures, practices, and guidelines related to hiring student workers.
It includes instructions for posting job openings, managing work-study employees, and handling payroll and compliance. This resource aims to streamline the student hiring process and serve as a valuable tool for supervisors. Please note that the information is for informational purposes only and is subject to change.

Student Employment
Students are at-will part-time employees in almost every department on campus. They perform a variety of jobs, including assisting with general office functions, working in positions that require technical expertise, assisting with research, and providing excellent customer service. Students who work on campus are more likely to remain in school and complete their degrees because they feel more connected to the university. Southern Connecticut State University may utilize the services of students to assist in many operations occurring within the various department offices on campus. Matriculated (degree-seeking) individuals enrolled full-time at the university may be hired as Federal Work Study Students or Student Workers.
The Difference Between a Federal Work Study Student and a Budget Student Worker
The difference between a Work Study Student and a Student Worker is that Work Study Students receive payment through a portion of their financial aid package and Student Workers are paid through the hiring department's budget. Students should check Banner to confirm they have been awarded federal work-study every semester or annually.
Student workers play a crucial role in supporting students, faculty, staff, and the broader SCSU community. It is important for supervisors to clearly communicate specific expectations and department policies to their student workers. Student Employment is coordinated through a joint effort by the Office of Human Resources, Financial Aid, Payroll, and the Office of Career and Professional Development.
Eligibility Criteria
Matriculation and Enrollment:
Student workers must be matriculated and currently enrolled in courses to be eligible for on-campus student employment. A matriculated student is one who has met all University admission requirements and has been accepted as a degree candidate.
Students who are dismissed from the University must cease working immediately upon notification of their dismissal.
Students are no longer eligible to work after completing their degree requirements or if they are no longer enrolled at the university.
Hiring Procedures
Authorization and Documentation:
Supervisors must complete the online student authorization and inform the student of the required employment eligibility documentation.
All student workers must complete the necessary paperwork at the Office of Human Resources before their start date.
Students required to drive as part of their job must be licensed and insured, with proof of their ability to drive in the State of Connecticut.
Eligible student workers may continue working into the following semester, depending on department needs and budget.
Documentation Submission:
Once a student is hired, all appropriate forms must be completed, signed, and submitted to the Office of Human Resources for processing.
Background Check Requirements and Policy Overview:
All departments who are posting a new position that requires a background check for student employees, will be asked to share additional information including a job description of what the student will be doing to HR. Based on the duties and a review of the background check policy, it is decided whether or not a department/position requires a background check based on the Pre-employment Background Verification Policy at the (
Streamlined Student Hiring Process
Job Posting:
Departments should post student job openings through the Office of Career and Professional Development (OCPD) using JOBSs.
Candidate Selection:
Departments are responsible for conducting interviews and selecting candidates.
Background Check (If Required):
The student will receive an email to complete the background check documents. After clearance, Human Resources will update the system.
Authorization Approval:
The budget authority will approve the authorization request via email, after which the student will be notified to complete the new hire packet and sign the work authorization.
New and re-hired students (with a service break of over one year) must submit the entire new hire packet and present original, unexpired IDs in person to Human Resources.
Work Authorization Completion:
After completing all required steps, the student is cleared to begin working. Human Resources will update the system, and the supervisor will be notified.
Payroll Processing:
Payroll reviews and processes the paperwork, including the Student Worker Authorization, tax forms, and direct deposit details.
Payroll scenarios differ based on the type of student worker: Regular, Federal Work-Study, or stipend-based.
Welcome Email:
Students will receive a welcome email with login instructions, e-Pay information, and timesheet submission details.
Timesheet Submission:
Students must submit timesheets by the end of the last day of the pay period or the following Friday. Late submissions may delay payment.
Supervisors are responsible for approving timesheets, either by signing paper timesheets or approving electronic submissions online.
Payroll Finalization:
The system will generate the student’s first paycheck.
Termination Process (Pending Confirmation with HR):
Supervisors will receive guidance on handling terminations, ensuring students are paid for hours worked up to the final week of classes. Procedures will differ for returning versus graduating students.
Summer Employment:
To be eligible for summer employment, students must have been enrolled in the previous spring semester and plan to continue their enrollment in the upcoming fall semester, or they must be completing degree requirements during the summer session.
Contact Information
For any questions regarding payroll forms, supervisors and students should contact the Payroll Office at Employment cannot commence until Human Resources officially approves the hiring. If hiring a Federal Work-Study Student, paperwork must also be submitted to Financial Aid.
For more information, please access the Student Employee Handbook
Message from the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships (OFAS): Thank you for participating in the Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program, which provides essential financial aid and professional development opportunities for our students. This guide will help you understand and effectively manage the FWS program.
Section 1: Introduction to Work-Study
A. Purpose The FWS Program offers financial assistance through part-time employment, encouraging community service and helping students develop job skills, creativity, and responsibility. It aims to foster career, social, personal, and educational growth while minimizing long-term debt.
B. Eligibility To participate, students must demonstrate financial need by completing the FAFSA. Funding is limited, so early application is crucial. Priority is given to full-time students with financial need, especially those who participated in the FWS program the previous year. Awards are based on availability, and students receive notification of their maximum earnings for the academic year.
C. Federal and Institutional Requirements Supervisors must adhere to federal and institutional policies, including those on Equal Opportunity, Sexual Harassment, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Students cannot begin work until all forms are verified and processed by the OFAS.
D. Conditions of Employment Students typically work 8 to 12 hours per week and are paid hourly. They are not allowed to work during class hours and cannot exceed 20 hours per week, including makeup hours.
E. Summer Work-Study Summer FWS is dependent on leftover funds from the spring semester. Students must be enrolled at least half-time and registered for the upcoming fall semester to qualify.
Section II: Supervision
A. Supervisor Responsibilities Supervisors are entrusted with federal funds for student employees and should provide clear work schedules, opportunities for skill development, and a structured work environment. Make-up hours should not exceed 20 hours per week.
B. Off-Campus Employers FWS includes off-campus community service roles, focusing on improving the quality of life for residents and addressing community needs. Participating organizations must be public or nonprofit entities located in Connecticut and must have a signed agreement with the University.
C. Hiring Process Eligible students are referred to job postings on the Career and Professional Development website. Supervisors are responsible for interviewing and determining a student's suitability for the role. After hiring, the FWS Hiring Authorization form and payroll paperwork must be completed and submitted to the Office of Financial Aid. Upon completion of paperwork, Financial Aid will enter the student into the Student Worker Authorization System.
D. Orientation Supervisors must conduct a job orientation, covering office structure, job responsibilities, office procedures, and expectations for the student.
E. Validation of Actual Hours Worked Supervisors must ensure that students do not work during class hours, exceed their authorized weekly hours, or surpass their FWS award limit. Time sheets must be certified by the supervisor and submitted after the shift is completed.
F. Monitoring Earnings Supervisors are responsible for monitoring student earnings to prevent exceeding FWS awards. Excess earnings due to unauthorized extra hours will be charged to the department's budget.
Section III: Termination and Transfer Procedures
A. Normal Annual Termination Students are automatically terminated from the FWS Program after the spring semester unless they have remaining funds and wish to work over the summer.
B. Termination by Supervisor Supervisors may dismiss a student for unsatisfactory performance, such as failing to adhere to work schedules or showing lack of cooperation. The OFAS must be notified immediately of any termination, and a termination form must be submitted.
C. Termination by the Financial Aid Office The OFAS will terminate a student’s employment if they no longer meet eligibility requirements, which may result from changes in enrollment status, academic progress, or receipt of additional financial resources.
Available listings of part-time on and off-campus jobs for students can be found through the JOBSs Portal: Job Opportunities Benefiting Southern Students (JOBSs) is an online job board available to students and recent alumni looking for full-time or part-time work, co-ops, internships, and on-campus student employment, or volunteer opportunities. JOBSs is also an all-in-one tool for students to find events, connect with people, and schedule career coaching appointments with The Office of Career and Professional Development (OCPD). Follow the link for more information about how to activate your account and post positions. Questions about posting student employment opportunities may be referred to OCPD at
For step by step information on how to post opportunities, please visit: or watch the following video:
Workplace Policies
Work Week and Hours
The standard workweek is from Friday (12:00 a.m.) to Thursday (11:59 p.m.).
Individual work schedules vary by department.
Employees must arrive on time and be ready to work.
Lateness beyond six minutes may result in salary deductions.
Meal Breaks
Employees working 7.5 or more consecutive hours must receive a 30-minute unpaid meal break.
Time Records
Timesheets must be submitted by the end of the pay period (Thursday) or the following Friday.
Supervisors are responsible for approving timesheets promptly.
Sick Leave
SW shall be entitled to the use of accrued paid sick leave upon the completion of their 680 hours of employment (sick time can only be charged to department budget). Do we need link?.
SCSU observes specific holidays, including Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, and others as listed on the academic calendar. Student workers are not eligible for holiday pay.
Termination Procedures
Supervisors should give at least 10 working days' notice before resignation.
Contact the Office of Human Resources for termination, rehire, or pay rate change steps.
Employee Benefits
Training and Development
SCSU offers resources for employee growth and development, including the Grow with Google Career Readiness Program and OWL Skills Development
Board of Regents Student Worker Policies
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
When Should I submit An Authorization in the Student Worker Authorization system (SWA) system?
A work authorization is only required at the start of the Fall semester. If you plan on having the same student work for you in the following Spring semester a work authorization is NOT required. However, if the student is working in the summer an authorization would need to be uploaded even if they worked in the prior Spring semester or will be working in the following Fall semester.
Can I hire an International Student?
Yes, you can hire any international student that has a social security number. Please confirm the student has a social security number before entering them in the SWA.
What If my student worker lives out of state?
All Identifications must be shown in person at the Human of Resources office. The Identifications must be the original, no copies are accepted.
Web Time Entry (WTE) – CORE-CT, electronic system for entering and approving hours worked (for our purposes - FWS student employees). Core-CT can be accessed by using the following link:
Helpful Numbers/ Websites
IT Help Desk
Phone: (203) 392-5123
Fax: (203) 392-6438
Location: BU 439
Office of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Diversity and Equity Programs
Phone: (203) 392-5491
Fax: (203) 392-5489
Location: EN B 110 E
Public Safety
University Police
Phone: (203) 392-5375
Fax: (203) 389-0186
Location: GR
Key Partner Contact Information
Financial Aid
Phone: (203) 392-5222
Fax: (203) 392-522
Location: WT 117
Human Resources
Phone: (203) 392-5567
Fax: (203) 392-8802
Location: WT 122
Phone: (203) 392-5430
Fax: (203) 392-5432
Location: WT 107
Office of Career & Professional Development
Phone: (203) 392-6539
Location: BU 102