Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The SCSU STEM-RI Office works with a diverse array of companies and institutional partners to create fellowships and entrepreneurship opportunities for our students. Take a look below for some of our offered resources to learn more.

Contact the STEM-RI Office.

Entrepreneurship Initiative

The Entrepreneurship Initiative (EI) aims to build an inter-institutional ecosystem supporting Connecticut student entrepreneurs through the development of student growth and innovation. Under the Entrepreneurship Initiative, the School of Business at SCSU created an Entrepreneurship Minor Program designed to serve business and non-business students on the campus, connect the business communities and bring real-world challenges to the students via experiential/service-learning activities. The initiative provides a set of enriched extracurricular programs, such as entrepreneurship speaker series, business plan pitch competitions, and inter-institutional student entrepreneur mentoring series. Learn about our opportunities and learning programs.

STEM Entrepreneurship Club

The STEM Entrepreneurship’s purpose is to connect students of all majors, interested in entrepreneurship and innovation or in the STEM fields, with resources and opportunities on and off-campus to help develop skills, network, and explore academic and career paths.  Contact stementrepreneurshipclub@gmail.com for more information.

Blue Economy SCSU

Project Blue at Southern is focused on innovation for the Blue Economy in Long Island Sound all while maintaining a commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. By using the emerging Long Island Sound kelp/seaweed industry as a catalyst for subsequent Blue Economy initiatives, this project implements a transdisciplinary approach by leveraging expertise from academia, business, the government sector, and civil society. Contact for more information or opportunities.

Entrepreneurship Foundation

The Entrepreneurship Foundation has a lot of valuable resources for both Educators and budding Entrepreneurs. 

Upcoming Events

  • 2022 CT ENTREPRENEUR AWARDS.  This is the sixth year that we will celebrate exemplary entrepreneurs and the institutions that support them. Please submit your nominations prior to the end of month.
  • MY JUMPSTART ACCELERATOR.  Managed by the non-profit lender CEDF, the program is free for CT residents. A $10,000 grant will be awarded to one of the participants who successfully complete the online training. Registration is open now.  Learn more.