Professional Collaborations & Grant-Funded Projects

The SCSU STEM community is actively engaged in collaboration with professional organizations and grant-funded projects. This page lists some representative STEM-related projects. Please contact the respective Project leads for additional information. For a complete list of grant-funded projects, please consult the Office of Sponsored Research.


The bioscience academic and career pathway is a partnership between the city of New Haven and Southern Connecticut State University. BioPath’s mission is to sustain the Greater New Haven region as a leader in bioscience through the development and implementation of industry-driven educational programming in order to build, maintain, and advance a pipeline of highly-skilled, well-educated citizens and workers for the BioScience sector. Please contact our office for additional information. 

Tiny Earth

Tiny Earth is a network of instructors and students focused on student-sourcing antibiotic discovery from soil.  “The challenges are small, but the solution starts tiny.” To get involved, please contact Dr. Elizabeth Roberts in Biology. 


The HHMI SEA-PHAGES (Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science) is a two-semester, discovery-based undergraduate research course that begins with simple digging in the soil to find new viruses, but progresses through a variety of microbiology techniques and eventually to complex genome annotation and bioinformatic analyses. SCSU is in the 9th year of this program. Please see Dr. Nicholas Edgington for more details. 

New Haven Innovation Collaborative Projects

In partnership with CTNext, the New Haven Innovation Collaborative Project funds the creation of enduring new assets /capabilities (both places and talent) that support our innovation sectors and catalytic experimental programs that test new ways of cultivating, accelerating, and retaining ventures and careers.  SCSU is the home to three of NHIC’s funded initiatives including Small Instrumentation for bioscience teaching and learning, BioPath Skills Institute, and MobileCSP Coding camps. For more information, please contact Peter Dimoulas or Dr. Christine Broadbridge.

Astronomy & Astrophysics 

SCSU is home to excellent research in Astronomy conducted by faculty on and beyond campus with affiliation to renowned national observatories. SCSU has two National Science Foundation funded projects, Collaborative Research: K-KIDS -- A Reconnaissance of the 5000 Nearest K Dwarfs and Wireless Imaging Intensity Interferometer for Astronomy. Read a detailed project description here and hereA Space Telescope Science Institute funded project to enable a new understanding of the formation and evolution of the Milky Way Galaxy. Read more here. Please contact Dr. Elliott Horch and Dr. Dana Casetti to learn about the latest in their research projects. 

Connecticut State Colleges and Universities Center for Nanotechnology

The Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) Center for Nanotechnology fosters collaborative, interdisciplinary research and educational initiatives/programs in micro- and nanotechnology with the goal of enhancing Connecticut’s workforce competitiveness in nanotechnology and materials science. The Center builds upon existing collaborations with Yale University, University of Connecticut, and the Connecticut Community Colleges to create programs enhancing STEM-related education for the CSCU community and beyond.  Please contact CSCU-CNT and Dr. Christine Broadbridge for additional information. 

Materials and Manufacturing

With the CSCU-CNT and faculty expertise in material science, SCSU is also invested in the talent development in CT’s manufacturing industry and have been hosting the Annual Materials and Manufacturing Summer Teachers’ Institute on campus. Please contact Peter Dimoulas for more information. 


CRISP (Center for Research on Interface Structures and Phenomena) has a significant Education and Outreach component.  Located at Yale and SCSU, CRISP offers activities that promote the interdisciplinary and innovative aspects of materials science to a diverse group of participants. The objective of the program is to enhance the education of future scientists, science teachers, K-12 students, parents, and the general public.

Drone Academy

Southern Connecticut State University’s Drone Academy is a five-module, non-credit program geared towards both enthusiastic hobbyists and working professionals who are interested in gaining the knowledge and skills needed for drone operation, aerial photography and videography, FAA-certification exam preparation, and computational photography and 3D mapping.

NCWIT Pacesetters

SCSU has been a member of National Center for Women in Information Technology’s Pacesetters program since 2016.  We have also participated in their EngageCSEdu program, and Extended Service program.   Please contact Dr. Winnie Yu, Dr. Lisa Lancor, and Dr. Amal Abdel-Raouf for more information.

Visit here to learn more about SCSU Computer Science and NCWIT.

The Werth Center of Coastal and Marine Studies

The Werth Center of Coastal and Marine Studies focuses on coastal and marine environmental/ecological research and education along Connecticut's urbanized coast and harbors. The emphasis is on applied research, including faculty-directed student research, designed to address issues of local and regional importance.   The Center fosters collaborative research and pedagogical initiatives among faculty across traditional academic departments in different disciplines.  Please contact Dr. Breslin and Dr. Grace to learn more about the Werth Center.

The Research Center on Values in Emerging Science and Technology [RC-VEST]

The RC-VEST focuses on issues located at the intersection of science and values, as implemented in emerging technologies.   The center, comprised of faculty members from SCSU, meets regularly to discuss cutting-edge issues that arise in technology, medicine, and science; bringing together scientific information and ethical implications. The RC-VEST also hosts an annual roundtable discussion and speaker series, focusing on topics such as computer and biomedical ethics.  Please contact Dr. Sarah Roe for additional information.

Campuses for Environmental Stewardship

SCSU received a sub-grant from a five-state Campus Compact consortium and the Davis Educational Foundation to create institutional change by embedding environmental or food security service-learning projects into curriculum. For additional information, please contact Suzie Huminski, Sustainability Coordinator at